Risk-!n: The Event for risk management
19. April 2024 | Aktuell Allgemein InterviewsFor the 6th time, Risk-!n bridges the silos for better risk management and to learn from other industries. For the 3rd time, Risk-!n GmbH is organizing the conference, which will take place on 30 and 31 May 2024 at the Mariott Hotel in Zurich. Two days packed with interesting topics such as „Cyber Attacks“, „Why captives are the next best option to gain access to affordable premiums and cover“ as well as „Mastering the Art of Crisis Prevention“ or „What makes a good Chief Risk Officer“.
thebroker talks to Stéphane Martin, who is not only the founder and organizer of the Risk-!n event, but also the founder and CEO of Smart Risk Consulting.
Stéphane Martin, the next Risk-!n event will take place at the end of May, congratulations on the interesting topics and participants. Please tell us a few of the names and their topics.
Well, that’s quite a difficult question because all the sessions and speakers have been carefully selected. We have a very good balance between sponsored sessions and sessions with practitioners. In terms of topics, we are happy to continue the ESG efforts with Richard Gaechter from CRIF, who has invited Thomas Schwegler from Tropical Mountains, a coffee aficionado. We need to keep up to date with the topic of cyber security and we have several sessions on this too. I am pleased to list Manuel Pachlatko from Aon, who will be interviewed by Philippe Séjalon from the INGAGE Institute. It is not possible to list all the speakers here, but we must also take into account the growing interest in parametric insurance and captive management.
What are you most looking forward to?
I can’t wait for the conference to start because we have been preparing for it since September last year. Now it’s time for participants to come and learn, exchange ideas and take on challenges. The atmosphere is the most relaxed I have experienced at conferences and at the same time the speakers and participants are extremely professional. This environment helps us to gain real insights into our knowledge.
Why should you attend this event?
Risk-!n is probably the most comprehensive risk management conference in Switzerland and perhaps even in Europe. We strive to understand risk from left to right, from top to bottom, from A to Z… you get the idea. Risks do not stop at one process, but extend across the entire organization, so you need a perfect understanding of the following processes: IS/IT, Procurement, Finance, Supply Chain…. This conference is aimed at risk managers and people who make decisions about risk, no matter where in an organization they work. Of course, we recommend CFOs and CEOs to attend to gain insights and an overarching view on these topics.
How many speakers will be on stage?
It’s a crazy year, we have 75 speakers, all of really high caliber.
According to Wikipedia, the term „risk“ has different meanings depending on the field, but is generally understood to mean the possibility of the occurrence of future events with adverse consequences, such as the threat of loss. You are a risk consultant. What risks do you focus on?
Good question! The first answer is always to focus on the risks cited by top management, the issues they really care about, because if they don’t address those concerns, the rest is lost. Once you have demonstrated your added value by helping to resolve issues, problems and risks, you can start to look at more structured processes for gathering information at a broader level.
Why is it so important to manage risks well?
It is important to identify the right risks, i.e. the risks that can jeopardize your budget, strategy and business. These risks, if managed properly, are capable of giving your business a lot of competitive advantage. You can’t run a business without taking risks.
Does every company, big or small, need risk management?
Absolutely, you can call it „common sense“ „good business practice“ or whatever, it’s just about being aligned with your goals and gathering the right data so that you as a manager can make a decision.
What does a good risk culture in a company mean?
It simply means that risks are considered at every level of the organization. It may mean that you no longer need a risk management department if your risk discussions are fully embedded in business reviews, for example.
Are there still places available for the event?
Yes, registration is still open, we have rented a larger room so that we can welcome more participants in larger rooms.
Do you already know when the Risk-!n Event 2025 will take place?
Yes, we have to plan well in advance, it will take place on June 2 and 3, 2025 at the Zurich Marriott Hotel.
Here is the discount code (which grants a 25% discount) that you can use when registering at the checkout:
Stéphane Martin, CEO Smart Risk Consulting & co-founder Risk-!n. Stéphane has been CEO of Smart Risk Consulting since 2015. His specialty is facilitating workshops and coaching his colleagues as Head of Risk Management.
Stéphane is a risk management professional with more than 20 years of experience in international companies such as Arcelor Mittal, Syngenta and with clients such as: Roche, Novartis, Clariant, Takeda, Ferring, Ascensia Diabetes Care, Implenia, Swiss Steel, Luxair….
In his spare time, Stéphane is also a professional photographer. If you are curious, you can follow him on Instagram.
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